El protector ACCIOT-RSP01 es un dispositivo libre de mantenimiento tipo ‘Cuarto de Onda’ con conector N que permite conseguir protecciones con tensiones residuales muy bajas.
El protector ACCIOT-RSP01 es un dispositivo libre de mantenimiento tipo ‘Cuarto de Onda’ con conector N que permite conseguir protecciones con tensiones residuales muy bajas.
El protector ACCIOT-RSP02 está diseñado para proteger los equipos conectados a la red Ethernet POE++ (Power Over Ethernet) contra sobretensiones transitorias Se instala en una red cuya velocidad de transmisión de datos puede alcanzar 1000 Mbps. El protector viene equipado con conectores RJ45 blindados. ● Protección POE++ para uso interior ● Gigabit Ethernet (Cat.5E) ● Conectores RJ45 blindados […]
LT-22222-L-AU915 The Dragino LT series I/O Modules are Long Range LoRa I/O Controller. It contains different I/O Interfaces such as: analog current Input, analog voltage input, relay output, digital input and digital output etc. The LT I/O Modules are designed to simplify the installation of I/O monitoring. The LT I/O Controllers allows user to send data and reach extremely long ranges. It […]
Din rail multifunction three phase energy meter. It is measuring active energy with accuracy CL.0.5. Set up for multi communication protocols as Modbus RTU, DL645, It can be used for reliable and trustworthy metering of energy usage and widely applied in smart buildings, retrofit projects.
(1 port, 30W, IEEE 802.3at, indoor PoE midspan) The single port PoE midspan provides up to 30 Watts of power over Ethernet and offers a IEEE 802.3at-compliant solution for remote powering of current and emerging high power applications. The PD-9001GR/SP provides surge protection functionality optimal for the installation of outdoor PDs. The midspan enables remote […]
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